Exhibits by Promotion Centre

Exhibits by Promotion Centre

Exhibitsbypromo.com reboot ABOUT THIS PROJECT The new site boasts a complete restructuring to the old one. This needed to be done to accommodate a fresh responsive site architecture and take advantage of some of the great new features of html 4. It now utilizes the...
Citizen Developer

Citizen Developer

Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Dolar Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras facilisis nulla ac sollicitudin fermentum. Sed nibh mauris, sodales a eros a, tempus tincidunt risus. Curabitur sed porta quam. Nullam quam erat, ornare sit amet varius et,...


USGBC+ About This Project The inaugural issue of USGBC+ (U.S. Green Building Council) hit the internet in June 2014. This first-ever magazine for their valued members packs a huge punch. It signifies the work they do every day at USGBC to bring their resources and...